Jeff Harker continues his blog about building student confidence. There is research explaining what he discovered in his classroom.
Curriculum and Assessment
PLCs and data are staples in K-12 education. How about in early childhood learning? Kristin Parisi walks through the process her school used to implement this approach.
Lesson planning and curriculum design are one of teachers’ most important duties. Thankfully, there are plenty of resources here to help!
PLC. An acronym batted around daily in education. What does it REALLY mean? How do we do it well? Any why should we do this at all?
Math is literally everywhere and used in everything, but we don’t spend enough time acknowledging this fact. How do we build a culture of mathematics in our classrooms?
Non-fiction text is often not what students gravitate to. How can we use it spark their curiosity & jump start the learning?
Where do you start a year in a STEM classroom? VirtuallyDifferent Coach Jennifer Stewart breaks it down into 3 steps.
This post finishes exploring the six shifts we can take to maximize our literacy instruction by keeping the science of reading and balanced literacy in mind.
Often poetry is taught as a standalone unit, sometimes leaving students to groan & roll their eyes. What if poetry was woven into every unit?