Teaching early learners to rhyme… frustrating? Yes! Pointless? Absolutely Not! Bridgett Nelson shares research on why it’s important and tips from the field.
Research-Based Strategies
Non-fiction text is often not what students gravitate to. How can we use it spark their curiosity & jump start the learning?
Building a trauma-informed school is a slow and steady process. It takes investment from all involved. Take a peak into one school’s in-progress journey.
Often special population departments work in isolation when servicing students, meanwhile many of these individuals fall in multiple subgroups. This blog will discuss one school’s success and one district’s journey to bridge the gap between special populations and general education departments. When these groups work together, teams can dig beyond the reading level to target specific skill deficits for readers to quickly reach proficiency.
Media Specialists and classroom teachers can make a powerful duo. The Media Specialists have great expertise that classroom teachers can utilize – building curated resources, fostering a love of reading, integrating technology into instruction, guiding quality research, and collaborating on lessons or units. If you don’t have a certified Media Specialist, find some great advice on how to partner with your local public library!
Often poetry is taught as a standalone unit, sometimes leaving students to groan & roll their eyes. What if poetry was woven into every unit?