As much as we long for a smooth path, change typically comes with bumps, roadblocks, and detours. Join Trudi Wolfe as she explores how her school handled these obstacles as they work to become a trauma-informed school.
Trauma-Informed Practices
The School Nurse – always ready to lend a helping hand. How much thought have you given to the day-to-day life of a school nurse? Let’s take a look behind the curtain.
While it’s tempting to close the door on the previous school year and move ahead to the next one; there’s benefit in taking time to reflect. What can we learn from last year to work smarter this year?
Building a trauma-informed school is a slow and steady process. It takes investment from all involved. Take a peak into one school’s in-progress journey.
What is a “trauma-informed school?” And how do you build one from the ground up?