Big Math Ideas

The Keep Indiana Learning Math Team
has done it again!

Introducing The Keep Indiana Learning “Big Math Ideas” documents

These Big Math Ideas for Kindergarten through Algebra 2 take a mathematician’s approach to the Indiana Academic Standards.

Grade Level Big Math Ideas

Big Math Ideas tells a mathematical story at each grade level – a story which includes:

  • the knowledge and skills students bring with them each year
  • how those skills are advanced during the year
  • how those advancements purposefully prepare them for the next year

Each grade level’s Big Math Ideas are represented in 3 different ways: a visual, a narrative, and indicators of mastery. These documents bring together the Indiana Academic Standards, the college and career ready standards, and the mathematics teaching and learning shifts called upon by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) to define what students really need to understand about math – the how, the what, and the why of K-12 mathematics in Indiana.

Big Math Ideas will guide your curriculum mapping work, advise your professional development related to instructional strategies in the math classroom, and support the strengthening of your professional content knowledge.

Math Concept Progressions

These math progression documents are the map guiding you through all of the connections and interwoven networks built into the mathematical content within the Indiana State Standards.  

Each progression pathway is developed through a narrative and visual representation of pedagogy and content tied together across grade bands to paint a complete picture of how the mathematics we teach in grades K-5 and 6-8 are all interwoven and building blocks for high school mathematics. 

They provide:

  • a navigational compass to direct educators from grade level to grade level within a key mathematical concept
  • key landmarks along the pathway as students develop an understanding of operations, fractions, number sense, and other important mathematical underpinnings
  • an overarching picture of the beginning, middle and end of the mathematical thinking in which a student develops

Each math progression document spans from the introduction of a mathematics concept through its conceptual development to the conclusion of mastery understanding for the student.  

These math progressions will deepen and strengthen your conceptual understanding of the grade level standards, the mastery students should demonstrate, and support your professional content and pedagogical knowledge.  Use these documents in your professional development, curriculum mapping, lesson design work, unit planning, PLCs, and so much more.

Reach out to your Keep Indiana Learning team for support and questions.

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Take a Look inside Big Math Ideas

Each individual grade level Big Math Idea document is formatted to provide a visual, a narrative, and indicators of mastery. These documents are available to download by grade level, or as a combined document of multiple grade levels.

Grade Level Big Math Ideas Visuals

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We would love to make these documents as easy to use and as clear to understand as possible, if you have any feedback we want to hear it.


  • Keep Indiana Learning was created to support educators by sharing resources and best practices in online and continuous learning activities for individual educators, schools and districts looking to design or refine remote learning plans.

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