How do we keep learning fresh & engaging for students? Ashley Johnson has some innovative ideas she uses in her CTE classroom which might just be the inspiration you need!
“But I don’t like writing…” How many times have teachers & parents heard that whine from a child? Bridgett Nelson shares how she helped her early learners develop a love of writing.
Did you miss Computer Science Education Week? That’s OK! #VirtuallyDifferent Digital Learning Coach Melissa Walley recaps all the events and resources shared in December.
This blog series will cover innovative ways to implement content in CTE courses. I will discuss the curriculum standards met, how I implemented the curriculum into my classroom, and the overall feedback from the students.
Educator Barnes has a fantastic conversation with fashion designer Danisha Brown. Danisha will inspire your students to tackle their dreams!
Are you looking for a way to support your emerging readers? Have you tried out Vooks? We will take a look at Vooks and explore ways to use it when support early readers, striving learners, students with special needs, and English language learners.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is more than RtI 2.0 Jennifer Mitchell digs into two crucial areas of MTSS, behavioral and emotional, in order to support the whole-child learner.
A 3D printer is a great tool, but if there’s no system in place, it can become a nightmare relegated to gather cobwebs in the corner. Corey Hall has advice on being thoughtful & intentional with this resource.
Teaching early learners to rhyme… frustrating? Yes! Pointless? Absolutely Not! Bridgett Nelson shares research on why it’s important and tips from the field.
How can we get our students to be “Real World” problem solvers? STEM in the Real World is a regular part of life at Tri-Central Elementary! It’s amazing to see so much creativity, collaboration and problem-solving skills.