Depth of Knowledge / DOK

Close-up of high school girl conducting science experiment

Who lectured to Isaac Newton?

In June of 2022, Indiana adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Some may question why such a change was necessary. In this blog, Dr. Stacy Hootman speaks from her own experience as both a science student and a science teacher. She describes the Three Dimensions of the NGSS, where teachers can turn for resources on both a national and state level, and why this change is necessary for Indiana.

Students raising hand in classroom

5 Ways Design Thinking Helps Overcome Learning Loss

Schools today are facing many challenges and one of them that needs solving now is how to handle learning loss. One solution to this problem is Design Thinking. Design Thinking is a creative process that begin with empathy and problem defining and end with implementation. This creative process encourages students to redefine problems, inspire new ideas, take informed risks, and never stop learning.

students working together on a math problem

Still A Work In Progress – A Change in Math Teaching

I wanted to create a space where my students could make mistakes and be okay, where they actually liked coming to my class, where they felt “smart” in their own way wherever they were in their learning, where they would push themselves to do better than yesterday, where they could struggle with something and still be alive to tell about it.