Lesson Design

student bar charts hung up in a classroom

When Thinking Is Part of the Curriculum

Armed with Peter Liljedahl’s 2021 text Building Thinking Classrooms and the pain and frustration of the social upheaval and pandemic deaths of recent years, I set out to push the boundaries of my abilities to teach math and help students realize more of their true potential. In a whirlwind of change, I departed from the status quo. How did I fare? Did transformation take place?

media specialist working with students

How to use your Media Specialist (and What to Do if You Don’t Have One!)

Media Specialists and classroom teachers can make a powerful duo. The Media Specialists have great expertise that classroom teachers can utilize – building curated resources, fostering a love of reading, integrating technology into instruction, guiding quality research, and collaborating on lessons or units. If you don’t have a certified Media Specialist, find some great advice on how to partner with your local public library!